About Us

A little about us! 

We are a homebased little business, in Thunder Bay, ON, that got it's start during the COVID lockdown.  

I am a social worker, and have been providing mental health counselling here in Thunder Bay for over 20 years.  When the pandemic hit, I started working from home and providing counselling by phone.  I have a 7 year old daughter, Olivia, who is beautiful, and fierce.  When schools shut down, life became very unorganized.  We tried keeping busy with bike rides, and playing outside.  We painted, and did side walk chalk.  We played dolls, and went for walks.  But...all this became dull quickly.  In between every session I would try to keep her busy, which frankly was exhausting.  My work became busier and busier as folks were stressed by covid restrictions.  I became exhausted, no balance in my life.  I decided I needed to make some changes, and invest in myself and do something with Olivia that could hold her interest and we could connect.   

We started making clay dishes together, and then decided to make jewelry.  She was hooked and so was I.  So, that's how we began this little journey. 

Our goal is to handcraft beautiful, simple, modest clay jewelry.  Items that can be worn everyday.  We tend to use muted tones, and soft colors...often nature inspired.  

We also try to keep our price point low, so that our products are affordable.  No one needs to spend a fortune to treat them selves and feel beautiful.  

We hope you enjoy our products and as much as we enjoy making them.  

Tammy & Olivia